April 22, 2015

Arts & Craft Fair - a Join Hands Day partnership with Gleaners Oak Arbor on May 2 - Please join us!

Our second Art & Craft Fair will be held at Homer Library on Saturday, May 2nd.

This event is also a Gleaners Join Hands Day event.  Gleaners is a life insurance company that has a philanthropic community giving program that is very generous.  Gleaner endorses community established "arbors" that work in the community to give back.  A group of community minded folk established the Homer Township Oak Arbor two years ago, where I serve as reporter and past treasurer.  We do many wonderful things for the community!

Join Hands Day is a national day of service projects that provide opportunities to teens for leadership and community service.  The Gleaner Life Insurance Society contributes funding support for events such as these and other charitable efforts.  Arbor members work with library teens in support of this Art & Craft Fair.

We have planned a great day of crafters, with teens selling plants for Mother's Day and the popular bake sale will be back.

Timing is 10-2 on Saturday, May 2nd.

We need you, come and join the fun!

April 20, 2015

Chick #6 arrived on Monday, April 20th

A small dark brown chick has hatched!  Geronimo made his entrance at 5:15am.  He has been joined by four more chicks named: Pee Wee, Cluck Norris, Elsa, and Chicken Little - all named from visitor suggestions.  A total of five chick eggs hatched out of twelve.  A hen will typically have 50% of their eggs hatch, so we feel happy that our five are here and thriving.

Chicks are in a tank and will be onsite for viewing until Thursday, April 30th.  Stop in and see them soon!

We thank Dr. Ed O'Brien of Animal Care Clinic for his sponsorship of the incubator.  Other sponsors we thank for their support include Homer Township Vision Center, Barbara Bainbridge, Ludwig Feed Store, Tiffany's Kennel, and patron donations.  Thank you one and all!

April 16, 2015

Creating Savvy Shoppers... and teaching Kids to save!

We brought together Junior Girl Scouts to help define how to be a savvy shopper and examine the age-old want vs. need scenario that youth face.  These scouts will explore spending, saving, shopping, and lots of financial fun packed into a great learning hands-on activity to earn their Savvy Shopper badge.

We thank the folks at State Bank of Countryside who were on hand to lead a part of the program.

Programs were held on Tuesday, April 21 during Money Smart Week.  For details call the library @708-301-7908 and ask to speak with a Youth Services member.

April 08, 2015

It's Money Smart Week @ your Library, sponsored by BMO Harris Bank

There are many programs in April at the Homer Library to help you be a savvy "money smart"person. 

April 20 
Financial Tips for Retirees @ 1pm 
Short Sales/Foreclosures @ 7pm      

April 21
Social Security @ 1pm
College Tuition @ 7pm

April 22
Medicare @ 2pm

April 23
Eating Healthy Budget @ 6:30

These programs and expanded collections are the result of the generous  BMO Harris Bank sponsorship. 

We are always able to do more with local support and appreciate it very much. 

It truly is a win-win for our community!

Money Smart Week is April 18-25, 2015