Pictured left: Anne Craig, Director of Illinois State Library and Sheree Kozel-La Ha, Homer Library Director (with grant award).
Grant Award
It was an honor to be recognized for our newest LSTA grant award Destination Station: A Learning R/evolution @ Homer Library. This award will fund new computers, software, and training for the community we serve. Grant awards offer an excellent opportunity (& needed funding!) to expand the ways we reach our community of users and to do some really neat things at the library. Homer Library will become a destination for the use of technology and tools that support the needs of the community - at every age and stage in a person's life. This includes the library helping customers process information and transitioning into a "learning center" or destination, not just an information center. We are convinced the Destination Station: a Learning R/evolution @ Homer Library project will enrich the community and that you will find more value than ever at Homer Library!
Creativity was certainly on display at the Illinois Library Association Conference "Style from the Stacks" event. And what a fun event, where library "designers" used index cards, multimedia items, book bags, posters, and more to showcase fashion for trendy librarians! Fashion event pictures are posted here. I love being a librarian and salute my fellow library colleagues for such a creative effort.
Pictured right: a dress designed using paperback romance novel covers and book pages...tres elegant!