Get Involved!
So I joined the Homer Township Chamber of Commerce and made many new connections, partnerships and friends. I was elected to the Chamber of Commerce board (and served for seven years). I wrote an LSTA grant which created a Chamber/Library partnership. Librarians gave presentations at several Chamber Business Luncheons to demonstrate what support we provide to the business members and community at large. I was elected President of the Homer Chamber of Commerce in 2005. A crowning moment was when Homer Library received the Chamber's Business of the Year Award in 2006.
Connections matter. Currently I sit on two other community boards including the Lions Club and the Homer Glen Community and Nature Center Foundation. I served on the Parent/Teacher Organization as Vice President for several years. Grant writing for the Village of Homer Glen led to my service on the Village's Green Community Committee. The Library is now included in quarterly Intergovernmental Planning Commission meetings for both Homer Glen and Lockport. Homer Library is better known - and understood - because of these connections. Our library message and importance to the Homer Community has been strengthened and enriched.
I was honored this month at the Homer Township Chamber of Commerce's 20th Anniversary Event for my leadership and community involvement in service as a trustee. It was a proud moment witnessed by 120 business members and local officials.
Strengthen Your Image
Make the connections to strengthen your library's visibility. Be a voice. Extol your increasing use (more than 600 visitors daily!) or point out your newest services (Polish Story time!). It is up to us as librarians to ensure that our residents, including community leaders, understand what a library is today.
Homer Library - with 30+ employees and a 1.6 million dollar budget - operates like a business and I often point that out. That includes using "best practices" for employing different types of public relations (print, blogs, e-news, and face-to-face communications) to spotlight the library. Many people still have that image of the "little local library" but in truth we are a dynamic and vital community center of activity. Highlight the library at every opportunity and tell your story. Showcase your services with photos to demonstrate this, too.
We need our communities to realize today how essential libraries are in supporting residents at every stage in their lives. We need to encourage both residents and community leaders to become library advocates and - even more so - library champions. Break those library stereotypes we still experience; challenge yourself to get involved with other agencies to be both seen and heard. It will make a true difference.