On April 1st the Illinois Library Association (ILA) opens their 2009 Election Polls. Candidates are posted for the Vice-President/President Elect, ALA Councilor, and Board of Directors. Candidate bios and statements can be found here. I am honored to run as a candidate for the ILA Board of Directors and I would be proud to represent you.
ILA provides effective leadership to the Illinois Library community and is 3,000 members strong. The electronic polls close April 30 and I encourage you to read the candidate statements (mine is below) and select your choice to best represent you and the interests of the library communities we serve.
My Statement of Concern (full bio here)
I am an advocate for spotlighting and linking the library to those we serve in new ways, including creating strong connections with other community agencies. We need to showcase our value and illustrate how essential libraries are in supporting residents at every stage and age in their lives.
We need to encourage our users, leaders, and staff to become vocal library advocates and - even more so - library champions. Break those library stereotypes we still experience; get involved with agencies and organizations to be both seen and heard. In my experience if library leaders are not "at the table" others in leadership roles may only peripherally take note of the library. The vibrancy of our services and value to the community we each serve needs to be advocated front and center. ILA provides strong leadership regarding the many challenges today's libraries face. As your ILA representative, I can provide a thoughtful voice to encourage leadership and innovation, including "best practices". I would be honored to serve on your behalf as part of ILA's partnership with Illinois Libraries.