We are pleased to announce our newest collection of DVDs, which launched on June 15th. This collection is very popular, with more than half of the DVDs currently in circulation at any given time. Needless to say, we are very pleased with the positive community response and usage!
Through resident generosity the Homer Township Public Library received a core DVD collection of movies. Especially exciting is that two-thirds of the collection was initiated through community support and donations. Approximately 400 DVDs were donated by local residents, groups and scouts. See the article here.
Do you have DVD movies that you no longer use? We encourage you to consider donating gently used or new movies, especially children's, family viewing, or classics. We will accept any and all donations! A DVD donation box and signage has been placed in the new books area (where the DVD collection is being showcased). The library operates with a tax-capped budget and finding the funding and monies to establish this new collection has been difficult. Your donation and support for this collection is greatly appreciated!
Please check your home collections for movies you no longer need and feel free to mention to your friends, clubs, scouts, or other groups that Homer Library is still seeking DVD donations. The more people that know - the better! Again if you personally have any DVDs languishing on a shelf, send them to the Homer Library or give us a call @ 708-301-1078 and we can arrange to pick them up!
Come in today and enjoy a great DVD. Yes, they are FREE.
More than ever before @ Homer Library!