June 24, 2010

System Changes....and Opportunities?

I have always appreciated the support and assistance of the collective at Illinois Library Systems. I enjoyed working at a system agency at one point in my career and thrived on the collaboration and sharing of knowledge. Now through lack of timely and necessary state funding we are losing unparalleled support and talent at the system level. It is a sad time that creates many unknowns.

My hope is that opportunities will arise during this time of great change and transition. As a librarian who embraces change, I hope that we will all emerge stronger, unified, and with increased communication and collaboration. I desire this for all of the citizens who rely on Illinois libraries, and for the many libraries and staff who diligently work on their behalf.

To the many wonderful people who have provided leadership at system agencies:
Thank you for your dedication to Illinois libraries.

Your talents for advocacy, staff training and professional development, board guidance, legislation, grant development, marketing initiatives, and a host of other services too numerous to list, will be greatly missed.

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