Tell Us What You Want...
We seek your input and are listening to you - our customer. As the Library continues to evolve and change we strive to be user-centered and keep the library essential and meaningful for community members. This means encouraging your participation and dialogue, reaching out to new users in new ways, and creating community and social areas. Your communication will ensure the library remains vital and convenient.
As our trustee and management team undertakes long range planning we continue to ask: What do you want to see here? How can we make the library a destination point for you? How can we assist you better in the area of remote access? What programs, collections, services, etc. would you and your family benefit from? What do you want the library space to include? Help us keep the user at the heart of library services; community conversation is essential for this to happen.
What is your vision for the future of library services and our space to serve you well? I'm listening, so let me know.
p.s. We have a ton of great programs this summer! Read all about it in our newsletter here.
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