April 28, 2010

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April 05, 2010

I am a Candidate for Vice President/President-Elect

I am honored to be nominated for the position of Vice President/President-Elect of the Illinois Library Association (ILA). In 2009, I was elected as an ILA Director-at-Large to serve a 3-year term. This experience has been both rewarding and educational. I look forward to continuing my service, perhaps in a new role, with ILA.

On April 1st, ILA opened the 2010 Election Polls, which run the entire month. Candidates are posted for the Vice President/President-Elect, ALA Councilor, and Board of Directors. View the President-Elect candidate statements and biographies here (mine is listed 2nd with a familiar picture). Other candidate statements can be found here.

ILA is a not-for-profit educational organization that provides effective leadership to the Illinois Library community and is 3,700+ members strong. This membership includes public, academic, school, and special libraries and librarians, and is comprised of trustees, library staff, students, and vendors. It would be an honor to represent IL librarians and the interests of the library communities we serve.

My Personal Statement
This is a challenging time for today's libraries. Proper funding, fiscal constraints, system changes, technology shifts, and other issues are each of great concern. The vibrancy of our services and value to the community we each serve must continue to be advocated front and center. We need to spotlight how relevant and essential libraries are in supporting Illinois residents at every stage - and age - in their lives. We need to mentor library colleagues and communicate with both our community of users and elected leaders to promote effective library advocates and - even more so - library champions. ILA provides strong leadership and addresses the many challenges today's libraries face.

If elected as the ILA Vice-President/President-Elect, I would listen thoughtfully, work hard, and strive to provide a positive voice to encourage leadership, relevancy and support. As a proud member of our profession I would be honored to serve in a new role as part of ILA's partnership with Illinois libraries. Our collective vision can make a true difference.

Check out my other blog, The Synergistic Librarian.