February 16, 2015

Mini Used Book Sale

Have anything that you would like to donate? 

We are asking for children's picture and story books - this might be a great time to recycle your favorites in the library book sale this month! 

Imagine another child or family enjoying one of your donated books - and it helps the library as all monies will go towards more materials for your use!  It's a win-win.

Plan to shop and enjoy some new great reads!

February 11, 2015

Spice up your reading life...go on a blind date with a book!

 It's library lover's month!  So why not make a blind date with a book?!

Check out this book, take it home, unwrap it.  Take this opportunity to try reading something you might not normally pick out for yourself.  It's fun!

If things don't work out with your "blind date" just return it to us without any hurt feelings ;-)

We hope you enjoy this opportunity to select a blind date book.  Kudos to Homer Twp. Library staff, who are very clever in promoting our collection of materials!

February 01, 2015

Thank you to a great decorating committee!

Thank you to our wonderful library staff who help make the library a lovely place each season.  You rock!