December 02, 2014

Teen library volunteers help make a seniors day!

Thanks to the many teen volunteers who bagged items for homebound senior "meal on wheel" participants.  This holiday gift bag was provided courtesy of the Gleaner's Homer Twp. Oak Arbor, an organization that supports the community in many ways.  Local donations from businesses allowed the recipients to receive a holiday surprise.

Thank you all!

November 05, 2014

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

We've just initiated a free program that really puts the emphasis on family time and reading together.

Did you know that by reading just three stories a day you and your child will have read OVER 1,000 books in one year?  You will also have shared many special moments along the way and developed favorite family stories.

It's so easy to participate!  Come to Homer Library to register and then start reading.  You can fill in circles on your reading log and books read at daycare count, stories read twice in one day, books read at any story time program count...we've made it fun, easy, and provided cool incentives/rewards along the way.

Come in and check it out.  Reading readiness is an important Kindergarten concept and this program supports your child's imagination and growth to enjoying stories, books and of course, the Library!

September 19, 2014

A "Library Friend?" What the heck is that?

The definition of "friend" as per the Merriam-Webster online dictionary is:

1: one attached to another by affection or esteem 2: acquaintance 3: one that is not hostile 4: one that is of the same nation, party, or group 5: one that favors or promotes something (as a charity) 5: a favored companion.

The Homer Township Library Friends are, by my own definition:

1. amazing supporters of books and literacy
2. positive, energetic "can do" people
3. wonderful advocates for libraries and librarians
4. a testament to the Homer community

Consider joining the Friends group today and
learn more about these wonderful and dynamic
library supporters!

August 12, 2014

Your Donation Is Needed - Book Sale COUNTDOWN....August 8, 9, & 10

The Used Book Sale is this weekend - Friday, Saturday, & Monday.  Monday is "fill a green bag for $5" day! We are taking donations through Thursday, so you still have time to bring them in.  Volunteers  and staff are doing an AWESOME job of helping get everything ready! 

And the Shark Week winners are......


EDITOR’S CHOICE   Safari Shark - chosen by Lauren Finkler, Homer Horizon News Editor

MOST POPULAR     Bling - 32 votes

MOST CREATIVE     Moby Dick - 35 votes

MOVIE THEME        Olaf from FROZEN - 59 votes (pictured below with Honorable Mention entry)

MOST POPULAR/Honorary Mention     Blackhawks - 36 votes moved to Honorary Mention. Explanation: submitted by a staff member/Blackhawks fan, she appreciated the votes, but chose to relinquish to the next highest entry in this category
Thank you to the community members as there were 238 shark votes in all categories!  We had 91 decorated shark entries and much fun.  Homer Library will definitely be doing Shark Week again next year!  Everyone commented that it was an unusual library opportunity that allowed our customers to get creative.   

June 23, 2014

S H A R K W E E K @ Homer Library!

Ahoy there, Matey!
Check out these decorated samples of our Shark Week Library Contest (ALL AGES) that begins June 30th.  Simply come in and purchase a $2 ceramic unfinished (white) shark bank.  Take one home and paint or decorate it with any medium you'd like.  Props and backgrounds are entirely optional, but can be no larger than 8"H x 8"W x 5"D. 

Patti had a great time decorating the attached samples.

Decorated sharks can be returned for display at the library through July 26.  Public judging will take place during SHARK WEEK, August 4-9. 

Entries will be judged in 4 categories: Most Popular, Editor's Choice, Most Creative & Movie Themed.  Prizes will be awarded in each category!

Reading is Jawsome!

Sunset Shark

June 18, 2014

Paws to Read - Join the Summer Reading Club!

Summer Reading Club is here!
The library is an excellent place to "paws" and discover lots of fun programs this summer! 
Readers of all ages can join the program, June 16 - July 26. 
Great programs for children, teens, and adults!

May 22, 2014

Operation Care Package

We are gladly accepting Operation Care Package donations that will be sent to our deployed troops.  Please bring donations to the Homer Twp. Library or Bookmobile.  Items such as crossword puzzle books, beef jerky sticks, letters, personal hygiene items, single serve drink powders, etc. are all needed.  This is being coordinated with the Will County Farm Bureau.

Donations are being accepted through June 5th at the Homer Library. We thank you for your help.

April 21, 2014

Bookmobile is out and about

Have you visited the library's bookmobile?

The Bookmobile is a unique service of the Homer Township Public Library District, bringing the library closer to where people live or work. The Bookmobile, while functioning as a dedicated method of outreach, is not intended to replace traditional library services, but serves to bring library materials into areas of the library's 36-square mile district.

We also bring crafts, programs, and reading clubs to community members and attend touch a truck and Chamber events.  The bookmobile schedule showcases 36 community stops.  It is an amazing customized bus, transformed into a fun and inviting mini library.  I hope you get the opportunity to see it firsthand.

March 24, 2014

Calling all Crafters!

We are accepting applications for our first ever Art & Craft Fair to be held Saturday, May 3rd.  Applications are available at the library or online.

This event is also a Gleaners Join Hands Day event.  Gleaners is a life insurance company that has a philanthropic community giving program that is very generous.  Gleaner has "arbors" that work in the community to give back.  A group of community minded folk established the Homer Township Oak Arbor last year, where I serve as reporter and treasurer.

Join Hands Day funds an event that is actually a national day of service projects that provide opportunities to teens for leadership and community service.  The Gleaner Life Insurance Society contributes funding support for events such as these and other charitable efforts.

So any crafters out there?  We need you, come and join the fun!

February 27, 2014

World Book Night

Everyone here is buzzing about the upcoming World Book Night initiative.  Our library was selected as a distribution point and we have ten book giver's (advocates for reading) registered and tagged to our library.

So what is World Book Night about?  It's about sharing the love and joy of a book, as in handing a free book to someone who has never felt that experience of the gift of reading.  This encourages literacy and appreciation for books. 

We held a reception for our book giver's (pictured below) and learned more about where these advocates would distribute their free books.  It was impressive to hear that books would be given at a free distribution center in a homeless area of Chicago, provided to disenfranchised teens, and handed to people in other areas where a book may not be a necessity or even on the grid, so to speak.

We hope to create an "aha" moment for someone who is a non-reader or "reader lite".  It is an honor to be part of an initiative that could create a new reader at any age.

January 02, 2014

Yours in Library Love

I have a friend and colleague who signs her communications, Yours in Library Love.  When I receive an email from her, I find this always brings a smile.

We love our libraries.  They are always here for us; when life changes come about; when we need to sharpen skills; and when we need to just relax.  You don't have to have money to use them - in fact they can save you money.  Excellent staff are happy you are visiting and can recommend a great read or highlight a fun program.

Today, I walked our new library areas, as I do at 6:30 a.m. every morning when I arrive (yes, I am an early bird) and told myself "Happy New Year!"  It is a most amazing thing to know that my home community for the past 25+ years has this beautiful new library and I have the honor of being an integral part of it.  Come in and visit your library soon and count your blessings, too.

Yours in Library Love,
Sheree & Staff