January 02, 2014

Yours in Library Love

I have a friend and colleague who signs her communications, Yours in Library Love.  When I receive an email from her, I find this always brings a smile.

We love our libraries.  They are always here for us; when life changes come about; when we need to sharpen skills; and when we need to just relax.  You don't have to have money to use them - in fact they can save you money.  Excellent staff are happy you are visiting and can recommend a great read or highlight a fun program.

Today, I walked our new library areas, as I do at 6:30 a.m. every morning when I arrive (yes, I am an early bird) and told myself "Happy New Year!"  It is a most amazing thing to know that my home community for the past 25+ years has this beautiful new library and I have the honor of being an integral part of it.  Come in and visit your library soon and count your blessings, too.

Yours in Library Love,
Sheree & Staff

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